Sunday, 25 March 2012





Introduction Of Robotics
§Robot and Robotics technologies represented a practical applications of physics, computer science, engineering and mathematics.
§It  provides a very powerful and flexible approach to demonstrate a variety of engineering concept.

What is a Robot ?

                          What is a Robot ?
 As such no formal defination, Research Engineers at Robosapiensindia came up with the undermentioned defination
 “An electrical or mechanical or electromechanical, programmable or non programmable multifunctional manipulator designed to move material, parts, tools, or specialized devices through various programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks”


  Isaac Asimov popularized the term robotics. Asimov is a visionary who envisioned in the 1930’s the positronic brain for controlling robots. He invented the three laws of robotics:
A robot may not harm a human  through
 action or inaction, allow a human to come to

A robot must obey the orders given by
 human beings, except when such orders
 conflict with the First Law

A robot must protect its own existence as long
 as it does not conflict with the First or 
 Second Laws

Learning Objective

            Learning Objective
What the word robot means and its origins
Some of the current uses of robots in society
Explain some of the key problems involved in designing and building  robots